natural and cultural preservation


We at Discovery Mongolia offer travelers unforgettable and touching nature experiences. We are committed to protecting intact nature and sensitizing people to the original way of life of nomads.

Key note

Drawing inspiration from the coexistence of Mongolian nomadic traditions with nature, our philosophy is deeply rooted in preserving and celebrating this unique culture. Despite modern challenges, urbanization, and technological advances, we are committed to encouraging local nomadic families to maintain their lifestyle and identity.

Through meticulously planned tours and expeditions across Mongolia, we empower nomads to embrace their distinct existence while enjoying economic and cultural benefits from travel. As a nation known for mining, we aspire to transform the status quo by promoting a self-sustainable travel system, showcasing that there are viable alternatives beyond mining for Mongolia's economy.

At Discovery Mongolia, we embark on an intriguing journey, implementing projects focused on self-sustainability and renewable energy solutions. Our aim is to enrich destinations and contribute to Mongolia's economy responsibly, ensuring a prosperous and beautiful homeland for all.


  • As much as our travelers feel the real Mongolian moments during their journey, we will ensure the most inclusive and ever-enriching itineraries and content.

  • Via our tours, expeditions, and overall activities, Discovery Mongolia will encourage and support Mongolian nomadic culture to be preserved for the next generations.

  • Dedicated to upholding our sustainability pledge, we steadfastly adhere to a policy that champions self-sustaining solutions hinged on renewable energy sources and eco-conscious waste management practices within the local communities. Our enduring goal entails becoming the vanguard enterprise in furnishing self-sustaining camping alternatives throughout the nation. This vision not only enriches our guests' experiences but also strengthens our commitment to ecological integrity.

  • As challenging as it sounds, this mission requires systematic reform and transformation. However, in order to reduce the impacts of human activities and help preserve wild nature while optimizing local economic growth via our activities, we are determined to seek the solution for the future of mobility and transportation.

  • We are committed to green building, education, and micro-economy of the local communities and the entire society to a broader extent.

Further to our vision and missions, visit our Core Values section on how we exactly apply our commitment in our daily conduct.