authentic and convenient

We are deeply committed to upholding a set of core values, which we unwaveringly prioritize, to ensure that our tours and expeditions not only provide exceptional experiences for our travelers but also contribute to the preservation of Mongolian nomadic culture and the pristine natural beauty of the region for generations to come.

Our dedication to these values is resolute, and they serve as the foundation of our ethos:

1. **Preservation of Mongolian Nomadic Culture:** We hold an unyielding commitment to safeguarding the rich and vibrant Mongolian nomadic culture. Our tours are designed to immerse travelers in this unique way of life, fostering a deep appreciation for its traditions and heritage.

2. **Conservation of Wilderness:** We are devoted to the preservation of the breathtaking natural landscapes that define Mongolia. Our expeditions are meticulously planned to minimize environmental impact and promote responsible tourism practices.

3. **Sustainability:** All of our endeavors are guided by a strong ethos of sustainability. We strive to create positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved, including local communities, by promoting economic and social sustainability alongside environmental stewardship.

4. **Environmental Protection:** We are steadfast in our commitment to protecting the environment. Through responsible practices and conscious decision-making, we aim to reduce our ecological footprint and play our part in combating environmental challenges.

By adhering to these values, we endeavor to create meaningful and unforgettable experiences for our travelers while leaving a positive and lasting impact on the Mongolian nomadic culture and the pristine wilderness that surrounds us. Together, we can ensure that these treasures endure for generations to come.

Our Services.

Tailoring Experiences Across Diverse Mongolian Landscapes:

Adapting to the nuances of each itinerary and the diverse terrains that encompass Mongolia, we present our travelers with an extensive spectrum of services. These encompass a broad spectrum, extending from luxurious hotels to immersive local resorts, all the way to off-road guided explorations.

Guiding Principles in Crafting Our Journeys:

Our commitment to meticulously planning and orchestrating our tours and expansive expeditions is underscored by a set of unwavering values:

  • Authenticity: To Cherish Genuine Mongolian Moments

  • Convenience: Rooted in Premium Services* and Expertise

  • Flexibility: Tailored to Your Desires and Needs

  • Joy and Affection: A Heartfelt Experience for All

  • Committed Contribution: Nurturing Nature and Conservation

  • Endeavors for Sustainability*: Building for the Future through Eco-Friendly Infrastructure

*Premium Services

Our commitment to excellence is embodied in our premium offerings, encompassing an array of meticulously crafted services. From our esteemed hotels and authentic Mongolian ger camps to the allure of resorts and the culinary delights of our restaurants, we take pride in curating unforgettable journeys. Our fleet of vehicles ensures seamless travel, complemented by the expertise and professionalism of our team members and on-site crew. Tailoring these services to your unique preferences is always welcomed, ensuring that your experience is nothing short of extraordinary.

*Endeavors for Sustainability

Sustainability lies at the core of our enduring vision. We are committed to nurturing responsible and self-sustaining conveniences that not only honor local nomadic traditions but also safeguard the rich tapestry of wildlife. At Discovery Mongolia, our team has embarked on groundbreaking initiatives designed to empower communities, fortify resilience, and mitigate the perils of climate change.

Photo by @Erdenebulgan Photographer